Professional electronic component supplier!
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  • Independent Electronics components Distributor

    We has decades of experience navigating every segment of the global electronics market. With this foundation, we keep your supply chain moving by connecting you to the electronic components, services, and insights you need.

    Over 70 million line items of in-stock inventory, and an international network of thousands of independent
    and franchised distributors and brokers
Lower overhead costs in the procurement process by reducing your number of noncritical suppliers.

Original products

We firmly believe that sources from authorized suppliers with enhanced quality test could it be safe and reliable.

Customer Focused

We has been committed to the being customer centric by providing customers with high-quality electronic products.

Fast delivery

We guarantee we will arrange shipment in 24 hours after order confirmation and customer will get goods in the fastest time.

365 days warranty

If the quality of the product does not conform to the parameters, we assume the responsibility of quality risk within 365 days.

Why Choose Us

Shenzhen ACE International Electronics Co., Ltd

Shenzhen ACE International Electronics Co., Ltd. incorporated in 2010. We strive to be a world leading independent distributor specialist offering integrated circuits, active, passive, connector, electromechanical, and discrete components.

Shenzhen ACE International Electronics Co., Ltd. 's extensive product line includes: ic's ,memory ,dc to dc converters, resistors, capacitors, connectors, discretes, potentiometers, trimmers, magnetic and circuit protection components, wire and cable, wire management, identification products, application tools, and electromechanical devices.

From quality suppliers from all over the world, we deliver superior components with just in time delivery. Shenzhen ACE International Electronics Co., Ltd. 's guarantees the form, fit, and function of every part sold for a period of 30 days. Please call one of our professional sales people today. We look forward to helping you solve your sourcing issues.